Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Mint Health + Drug Grand Opening

The grand opening of Mint Health + Drug featured lots of activities. Leif Gregersen

October 1 marked the Grand Opening of Mint Health + Drug on the south end of Historic Church Street, 106A Avenue and 96 Street. Cole Mondor is the newest pharmacist in our community and he is out to make Mint Health + Drug an integral part of McCauley, and specifically Church Street. Cole hopes to be able to spearhead a Farmer’s Market on Sundays during the summer, and has created a space in the pharmacy for an ice cream soda bar! Imagine the fun of visiting the Farmer’s Market and stopping in for an ice cream soda!

The Grand Opening, held on the coldest, windiest day of the season so far, went very well. Cole and the staff (and co-owners of the Mint organization, Peter and Ron) welcomed everyone with cake (from the Italian Centre), Pinocchio Ice Cream, pop, hot dogs, popcorn, and Dan and Dave’s Bouncy Castle. The face painter was spectacular.

Cole has been busy developing relationships in the community, wanting to ensure the vitality, walkability, and welcoming presence on the street.

Mint Health + Drug will offer items typical of a pharmacy, as well as providing a meeting place in our community.

The store will be open for business in the very near future.

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