Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


New Art on Traffic Light Boxes in Chinatown

Kalina Luu (left) with NAIT graphic design student Allana Meksavanh next to the light box that she drew and Kalina designed. Bee Meksavanh

Explore Chinatown to discover 13 newly decorated light boxes in Chinatown. The light box decorating was an exciting initiative supported by the City of Edmonton’s Vibrant Street Program and led by me in my capacity as a Chinatown Business Improvement Area (BIA) director.

I brought together a diverse group of talented local artists, schools, and even a soccer team to make The Traffic Light Box Project a reality. My vision was to let each artist design their own light box and highlight all the artwork from the soccer team and students that embodied themes of unity, community, and togetherness. Teachers worked with the students, a Born to Be Soccer Academy soccer mom mentor worked with the soccer team, and they all crafted their creative images. 

After collecting the images, I reached out and got the help of a talented art and graphic design student from NAIT, Allana Meksavanh, who worked many hours to skillfully combine and reimagine the contributions from the schools and soccer team. It was a beautiful way to bring together community spirit and collaboration. Come by and explore Chinatown and see how many you can spot!

Kat is a director with the Chinatown Business BIA and co-owner of Kim Fat Market.

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