Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


“New” Community Newspaper Boxes

Outside Boyle Street Plaza. Dan Glugosh

Boyle McCauley News has two “new to us” newspaper boxes! One is on 97 Street near Lucky 97, and the other is outside the main entrance to Boyle Street Plaza on 103A Avenue and 95 Street. Many thanks to Postmedia for donating them, and to Dan Glugosh and Adam for putting them in their new spots! Our Designer, Vikki Wiercinski, also spent a lot of time designing the decals and painting the boxes.

If you are looking for our original newspaper box on 95 Street outside of the Italian Centre, that one is now in front of Sorrentino’s – just a little bit south on the same block. We had to move it at the request of the City. Thanks again to Dan and Adam for helping us out with that!

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