Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


New Coordinators

I’m happy to announce two new Inner City Recreation and Wellness Program Coordinators: Rebecca Kaiser and Mike Siek.

Rebecca, the new full-time coordinator, spent the summer in Whitefish running sport and art programs with the Alberta Future Leaders Program. Before that, she completed a practicum with the ICRWP, and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sport, Recreation, and Tourism (with distinction!) from the University of Alberta.

Mike, the new part-time coordinator, is a long-time community volunteer. He is also a musician, graphic designer, filmmaker, sound engineer, and President of the Heart of the City Music and Arts Festival. He’s also a resident of McCauley!

They’ll be running the day-to-day operations of the ICRWP from now on, while I head back to school. I’ll be helping out with program development and continuity in a very part-time position. So, keep having fun everyone, and thanks for continuing to support physical health and mental wellness activities in Central Edmonton!

Rylan is the Program Lead, Inner City Recreation and Wellness Program.

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