Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


New Inner City Artists’ Collective

The launch of a new inner city artists’ marketing/sales collective entitled “Street Prints Artist Collective” will feature paintings, sculpture, handmade goods, and unique items created by local artists. Inner city artists, who may not have the experience, supports, or resources to sell their goods in markets or at events independently, now have the option of joining a small but growing group of artists and community development folks, to aide in their ability to market and sell their works. They would consign their works for prices which they set and would receive a minimum of 85 percent of the selling price back from their artwork’s sale.

The collective is a grassroots initiative, in which members are themselves artists and volunteers, and also has partners in Bissell Centre, Inner City Rec and Wellness ,and E4C workers. The collective looks to be growing in supporters and partners at this stage as well. Mentorship and fellowship between artists is encouraged and hopefully enhances each artist’s capacity to produce and sell their work. While this is a small and new initiative, the long term goal is to one day have a completely artist/volunteer run social enterprise. Donations of art supplies, financial, and in-kind supports are welcome.

Street Prints Artist Collective had its first public showing September 17 at the Fall Fiesta and then a sales table on September 24 at the McCauley Mixdown at the Mile Zero Dance Studio. They have launched a Facebook page, and continue to seek opportunities indefinitely.

For more information, please contact: or call (780) 424-2870.

Taro is the Community Development Officer at McCauley Apartments.

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