Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


October 2019

The talk of this past summer was the weather – namely that most days did not feel like summer at all. By the time this issue hits the street autumn will be looming. Here’s hoping for a warm fall and mild winter.

Summer was definitely busy here at Boyle McCauley News. We geared up for our raffle draw on August 25 with a final push for ticket sales at Festa Italiana. Stay tuned for information about our next raffle. We’re going to make this a regular part of the paper’s fundraising.

Our social media presence is growing and becoming an important way to stay current with news and events in the area in between print issues. Those of you who use social media should follow us: we’re bmcnews on "Facebook": and "Twitter":, and bmcviews on Instagram.

Are you interested in volunteering with the paper? We are in need of a photographer or two willing to cover events, especially those happening in the Boyle Street area. We also have a few newspaper routes in McCauley available, so if you would like to become a Block Carrier, now is the time. For more information, contact me at

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