Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • October-November 2024 • Circulation 5000


On Good Neighbours

“A good neighbour is a priceless treasure.” – Chinese Proverb

I look at the scope of my neighbourhood and, besides my building, we are in an array of apartment buildings, row housing, and even the historic Hecla Block building.

Next to my co-op is a series of the row housing run by Edmonton Inner City Housing Society (EICHS). To paraphrase from its website, EICHS was formed as a group of concerned citizens from the inner city and the faith-based community who came together to try to address the housing needs of people experiencing poverty in the inner city neighbourhoods.

It is interesting to converse with these neighbours, getting to know them and sharing stories and greetings. It offers me a sense of security knowing we are all looking out for each other!

It is great to always have a friendly wave or hello – it makes the day a lot better. Watching the children grow up and play with each other outside their homes in the neighbourhood is wonderful to see.

Neighbours are like an extended family. They can be there to help or even just lift your spirits on a down day. They make our street colourful, interesting, and desirable.

One thing we have in common is that many of us are pet owners. The dogs and cats become your neighbours as well. It is always a great day when we are up in the morning walking our dogs and the dogs start playing with each other. I have learned many of the pets’ names also!

A good neighbour is like a shining star: you may not always see them, but you know they are there.

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