Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


The Success of the 2017/18 Skating Season

Wagon rides. Paula E. Kirman

“Success” was the word for the 2017/18 skating season. The rink opened on November 9 and the last day of operation was March 9. We had in total 2369 people who came out to use the facility for the season. Inner City High School youth, Hope Mission Men’s Breakout Recovery Program, and Victoria School of the Arts (King Edward Academy) were some of the programs that came out to use the ice. The McCauley Community League does not charge any groups that come out after hours of operation and the KIDS organization provides the staff to come in and assist with the skaters. A thank you goes out to Sports Central who provides skates, helmets, and hockey gloves to the rink for all programs.

The Family Day Skating Party was a success. We had close to 200 people come out – it was a cold day but that didn’t stop anyone. There was a magician, face painter, horse and wagon rides, hockey skills competition, and bannock on a stick over the bonfire. There were lots of draws for prizes and everyone had a fun time. The McCauley Community League funded the event and Challenger Insurance provided the snacks for the day. We also want to thank Challenger Insurance for providing snacks during regular hours for the season.

To end, it takes many caring, kind, and generous people to help make the McCauley Rink one of the best skating rinks in the city. People like Al Hamilton who does a lot of fundraising and volunteering, and uses his many connections to help get things done at the rink. Also, thanks to the entire KIDS organization board who fundraise and volunteer. Thank you to all the staff at the rink who deal with the good and bad. A special thanks to the EPS Downtown beat cops who put on the McCauley Cup that is the talk of the city every year, and thanks to all the volunteers who come out and help with special events, and people who put on dinners and take the time to help fill some tummies. A big thanks to the McCauley Community League which funds the facility and programs. Finally, thanks to all the kids, adults, and families who come out and make the rink alive and special every night. We all look forward to next winter and doing it all over again.

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