Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Our Priceless Casino Helpers

Boyle McCauley News is an independent, non-profit organization. As is the case with many other non-profits, we are both volunteer driven and rely on a casino as our major source of funding.

Like with many aspects of the paper, volunteers are an integral part of our casino. We have some volunteers who only do the casino and are not otherwise involved with the paper. Others are contributors, carriers, or board members who give additional time to help out with casinos.

Some of our most dedicated casino volunteers include Shauna Forsyth, Don Nikiforuk, David Littlefeather, Father Jim, Maija Korhonen, Catherine Wenschlag, Michael Spangler, Larry and Betti Brockman, and the Kolkman Quinn family.

Father Jim is also on our board, and the Brockmans and Kolkman Quinn family are Block Carriers. Maija Korhonen is a former carrier who recently left the paper and neighbourhood due to health reasons. We send her our best wishes and thanks for her many years of service.

Our next casino is coming up on December 30 and 31, 2013. Would you be interested in helping your community newspaper with its biggest fundraising event? We have opportunities for all shift times and positions. If you would like to help out, please contact our office and Colleen Chapman will get in touch with you to provide more information.

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