Our Volunteers - Springing into Action

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. Plants are growing, the sun is shining stronger and longer, and a feeling of newness hangs in the fresh air.
At Boyle McCauley News, we celebrate all of our volunteers, both ones that have been with us for years (and in some cases, decades), as well as new volunteers who have stepped up to push the paper forward into the future. Here are just some of our more volunteers who have either recently joined our ranks, or have returned to help us out with their unique gifts.
Keri Breckenridge is a writer on Boyle Street who makes our sides split with laughter with her hilarious and witty articles. No matter what the topic, she always seems to have something to say. We look forward to more of her humour.
Gary Garrison is well known in the community as a poet and through his involvement in the Inn Roads Housing Coop. He has become a regular contributor to the paper, writing articles of substance. He is also a member of our Editorial Committee.
Christopher Leclair is someone who has been involved with the paper for a number of years, but took a break for a while. We’re so glad to have him back as a member of our Editorial Committee. Christopher has also been writing and taking pictures for the paper, and most recently he has taken on a route as a block carrier.
At Boyle McCauley News, we celebrate all of our volunteers, both ones that have been with us for years (and in some cases, decades), as well as new volunteers who have stepped up to push the paper forward into the future.
Richard Barrett is new to the area and to the paper, but not to our Editor. He was one of her university professors, and she hopes he sees her education being put to good use. Richard is a member of the Editorial Committee, a writer, and has been helping out with distribution.
We had been looking for an Aboriginal columnist for a while, and were thrilled when McCauley resident Clara Gladue decided to give it a try. We are enjoying her contributions very much.
Ian Young and Sherry McKibben are also two of our more recent columnists. Ian writes “Ability and Community” offering advice and wisdom for those with physical and mental challenges. Sherry has been a block carrier with us for a while, and now writes “Catch 66” about seniors and aging.
We will be profiling some of these volunteers in more depth over the coming issues. If you would like to become involved with the paper, please contact our office to discuss volunteer opportunities.