Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Outdoor Activities in Full Swing

This month’s Floor Hockey Sportsmanship Award winner is John Buttrey! He won not only due to his wonderful presence, constant humility, and awareness, but also because of his healthy contributions of bananas!

Now that spring is in full swing, so are our outdoor activities like gardening and baseball. Please send Rebecca Kaiser an email at if you would like a copy of our schedule. Every activity is free to attend.

Additionally, one Friday afternoon each month a local band is hitting the stage to perform in the drop-in at Boyle Street Community Services. If your band would like to play some tunes for a gracious and encouraging audience, please email Mike Siek at

Rylan is the Program Lead, Inner City Recreation and Wellness Program.

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