Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Photo Series Documents Boyle Street

Heart of Boyle Street Series shares stories about people and places.

The BSCL launched a special project this summer which highlights our community’s people and stories.

The Heart of Boyle Street Series is a photography project first suggested by our winter business interns Sarah, Joshua, Emma, and Jonathan. Their team worked with us via the Community Service Learning (CSL) program at the U of A, in their 400-level marketing class which looks at marketing for non-profits.

Then, this summer we were extremely fortunate to find Bronwyn and Eilysh, our awesome Community Program Assistants, through the Canada Summer Jobs program, and through their creativity and energy, the first phase of the project came to vibrant life. (See page 5 for a profile of the two of them.)

The Heart of Boyle Street Series documents and shares the stories and voices of those who live and work in the Boyle Street area. Reflective of its buildings, people, organizations, and events, it showcases the eclectic and diverse spirit of the neighbourhood. The project consists of short interviews along with a photograph that are then showcased on our Facebook page, Instagram, and website (addresses at end of this article).

Eilysh and Bronwyn spent much of the summer walking around Boyle Street photographing its loveliness and asking residents and programme participants to share stories about their life and times in the neighbourhood. Many thanks to them for bringing the project to life and setting up all the media sites!

At the end of the summer, a culminating event was held in conjunction with the Edmonton Art Gallery photo exhibit that featured Boyle Street as one of its neighbourhoods. In the fall, we plan to continue the project with photography “Flash Mobs” (pun definitely intended) where disposable film cameras and donated digital cameras will be loaned to community participants so we can capture our own Boyle Street stories and images.

Volunteers will also use our new BSCL camera to continue the work Bronwyn and Eilysh began, so if you are interested in photography, and/or if you would like to share a story or have some knowledge about the area, let us know via a Facebook message or a voice mail to our phone (780-422-5857) and we will try to match photographers to stories!

Other news: we continue to work with the City and the YMCA to discuss the use of the building over the next three years, but rest assured that BSCL programming will continue in our lovely Community Centre space in Boyle Street Plaza. There will be some personnel changes, and we thank our Facility Coordinator Mimi for all her work over the past nine months. Fall programmes are being announced on our website, so stay tuned to our website and Facebook!


– Your BSCL Board

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