Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


Protecting Children from Abduction

Recently in Boyle Street and McCauley, there was an incident of concern to both the police and members of the community. A man approached two children who were playing at their school playground and offered to buy them soda pop from a nearby convenience store. The children went with the man without asking permission from an adult. The man did not do anything other than this. This act in itself is not considered illegal but it is something to be aware of all the same.

The identity of this man will not be revealed but here is a description of him in case he is observed doing similar suspicious activities: Aboriginal male, mid 40s, skinny, 5’ 11”, 160 lbs, black longer hair, and a pockmarked face.

If this man or anyone is observed acting suspiciously around children, do not hesitate to contact police immediately and provide us with a detailed description of the suspect. If you are able to stay within view of the suspect until you are directed otherwise by the police you will have been of great service to both your community and the police. Some things to make note of when reporting this activity to the police include:

  • Where are you? Give the Police a detailed description (preferably with an address) to ensure a speedy response.
  • What vehicle is the suspect driving? Try to obtain a license plate number as well as a vehicle description with make, model and colour.
  • What does the suspect look like? Age, gender, race, height, weight, hair color, clothing, scars, tattoos, and anything else distinct about the person.
  • Is there anyone else with the suspect? Are there other children or adults with the suspect and if so what are they doing.
  • What is the suspect doing? Are they giving anything to the children or trying to lure them away from a public place.

Child abductions are rare but it is always something to be vigilant against. Sometimes we become so comfortable in our own back yards that we forget about the access strangers have to the same area.

When your children are out it is a good practice to make sure they are supervised by someone responsible. Always make sure you know where your children are and when they are to return home. Never let your children walk home by themselves. Have them employ the buddy system. Leave as a group and return as a group. Talk about this with your children and ensure they understand the importance of taking care of themselves and their friends.

Keep this in mind when you and your children are out in the community. Boyle Street and McCauley are very rich and beautiful areas that should be utilized to their full potential. Being an active, positive influence in the community provides a presence that deters criminal activity in itself.

Cst. Wasmuth can be reached at

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