Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Respecting Volunteers

For over thirty years I have been a volunteer coordinator. It began with organizing mothers for lunch time supervision at my daughter’s school. And then, I was president of the PTA and had to find volunteers among all of the working parents – which was most of them – for all sorts of events the school needed.

Since those years, I have organized a myriad of special events, and casinos, bingos, dances, and other fund raising opportunities. Thankfully, at the end of my “career” as a volunteer coordinator I am in a community where it is not difficult to find good, reliable and dedicated volunteers!

We at Boyle McCauley News have regular volunteer appreciation evenings, always held at a local business. Sometimes we are at Tony’s Pizza (a particular favourite for our volunteers) or Abysinnia Restaurant, or Mamenche’s! The paper used to go to Santo’s all of the time, but many years ago it became too small as our volunteer base grew and our appreciation grew.

This year saw our biggest night ever. We served over 50 people all-you-can-eat pizza at Tony’s. And, while we were exhausted at the end, it was the most fun we have ever had. I cannot say this enough: no one deserves more respect and appreciation than a volunteer, and it is among those sorts of people that we find the best people in the world. Thank you so much to everyone who works to make our paper a success.

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