Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Seeds Are Sacred

Much of the food we consume starts with a seed. Seeds grow into plants, which become crops, which become produce we harvest ourselves or purchase at a grocery store. Crops also become feed for animals, who produce food like eggs and milk, or (for those of us who are meat eaters) become food themselves.

In mid-April I attended a rally concerning the genetic modification of alfalfa, a product widely grown in Alberta for a variety of uses. Genetically modified (GM) produce is problematic for farmers if they are trying to grow crops from their own heritage seeds, but their neighbouring farmers are using GM seeds for the same type of crop. Due to wind or cross-pollination, some of the GM seeds may end up in the non-GM field, causing the farmer to face hefty fines for failing to have a license from the company that patented – yes, patented – the GM seeds. Even though it happened by accident.

GM seeds are also often modified with strains of chemicals found in weed killers (in order to make them resistant and thus result in higher yields at harvest), which can have health side effects for consumers, both human and livestock. Bees that are important in pollinating crops are dying as a result. Pet food with GM products in them are causing toxic reactions in the animals.

What can consumers do? Buy local and organic whenever possible. Take a stand by telling the government that you do not support GM products and producers. A “March Against Monsanto” (one of the biggest producers of GM seeds) is scheduled for May 25. Follow the Edmonton Activist Twitter account (@yegactivist) for more information.

When it comes to food supply and security, seeds truly are sacred.

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