Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Setting the Bar High

We intend to be inclusive, collaborative, transparent, and accountable.

Hello McCauley. Thanks for your show of support in coming out to our AGM in March. It was an important meeting and it was good to hear your voices. Sadly, for a second year in a row the opportunity was missed to say a thank you to the outgoing board and president. Let me try to remedy that at least in a small way.

The new board would like to express their thanks and appreciation for the hard work done by our volunteers and board members last year. It was a difficult year from many angles, but there was also much good work done by the McCauley Community League board and our past president, Meredith Porter. So, thank you for your gifts of time and energy and commitment to programming for our kids, to advocacy and zoning. Significant sacrifices were made out of sincere love and concern for our community. For that we are deeply appreciative.   

Your new board has only had one board meeting so far, but already much work is being done. We’ve set the bar high for ourselves: to be inclusive, collaborative, transparent, and accountable. A large part of our work right now is getting our process and structures in place so that we can do that well. For now, we appreciate your patience and support.

As well, if you’ve somehow missed it, we are pleased to host a soccer program this year. If you’d like to connect with us, the best way right now is to look us up on Facebook. See you around the neighbourhood!

Mike is the President of the McCauley Community League. 

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