Soccer Program News
As the 2013 soccer season gears up, our new coaches, managers, and assistants are getting ready to be on the field motivating kids and providing the gift of time and volunteerism to the many families who enrolled their child this year. We had a bit of a glitch with registration – one of the local elementary schools didn’t manage to get our flyers out to families – but as a result we have had lots of one-on-one contact with people to get their kids registered. While not ideal from a scheduling perspective, it’s given me and Georgina (League Treasurer and all-around go-to gal) an excellent opportunity to get to know the children and parents who love soccer in McCauley.
Any time a program needs to begin again with new organizers and volunteers, it can be a significant challenge. People in our neighbourhood have responded in a fabulous way, going out of their way to help out and lend a hand where they can. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to give words of encouragement, volunteered to coach, gone to meetings for me, etc. I really couldn’t do it without you. Your contributions mean the world to our soccer players. Thanks as well to the Boys and Girls Club for providing space for registration, as well as to the McCauley Community League and KidSport for essential financial support for this program.
We are still looking for a Soccer Director for 2013. This season has given me an opportunity to get everything organized, files and templates created, and overall to create a role that will be less overwhelming and more manageable for the next person to step into. If you are interested and want to know more about what this commitment would look like, please email me at, or give me a ring: (780) 850-8469.