Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Spicy Soup and Life Changes

Life changes. Life really changes. It just keeps changing. It’s never quite the same as it was just a short time ago. There’s always something different: the people around you, the perspective you have on the world, maybe the places you live out your life.

I recently had quite the juxtaposition of life events. I attended a funeral of an old family friend and celebrated another birthday. I wish I had something profound to say about either event but I don’t. I just know that there will only be so many more spins around the sun that I’ll have before my big send-off. That’s okay though, because life changes.

I look back on the years and I am comforted. I climbed trees, attended school, made friends, worked, loved, danced. I’ve lived. I will continue to live for a while yet – I assume. In that time, my life will look as different to me now as it seems to me looking back. Life transforms.

In those transformations lie opportunities. The chance to be a better person, to explore, to have fun. If life didn’t vary we would just stay the same. Remember when you first moved away from your parents’ home? Who would you be now if you hadn’t done that? Remember your first love? What would your life look like without that person?

They say life is a journey. While I put no great faith in whoever they are, some things ring true. If life is indeed a journey then the road is its home. Variation should be the sole constant of our lives. It should be the spice in our soup!

I am not going to be the same person 10 years down the line. I’m not the same person I was 10 years ago. I’m grateful for that. Life impacts me, it makes me over, and it changes me. Just as it should.

I don’t know that I can judge if modifications have been good or bad. I don’t know where I would be without each and every one of them, big or small. I know that where I am, who I am, is pretty all right with me.

Keri lives and experiences change in Boyle Street.

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