Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Staying Well, Safe, and Optimistic

“I think 2021 will be the year of patience. We can do it!”- Alexandra Couette Turgeon (Edmonton disability advocate)

Spring has sprung! The outdoors is calling! Like in 2020, we still have public health orders to follow, and things can change. It is always a good idea to keep updated. Our local news channels give daily updates and also is a good link for information.

With vaccinations rolling out, we are making progress to keep healthy. It is always very important to consult a health professional with any concerns.

Our community is strong and displays a lot of unity. Support our array of businesses. Say hello to your neighbours. Sunny days are ahead. A safe-distancing outing is good for the mind and spirit. Patience is a virtue. Stay well, stay safe, and stay optimistic.

If you are feeling uneasy many resources are available. The Canadian Mental Health Association’s distress line ( is a great, non-judgemental support.

We have come far. At times it seems we are not moving towards a solution, but we are. We have never experienced anything like this. Let us learn from, support, and respect each other. The time will come when we will see loved ones and enjoy things we miss. We can do it together!

Ian is a columnist with the paper. He lives in the area.

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