Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Summer Block Parties

It’s summertime and the livin’ is easy. We’re out more – walking, biking, playing in the park, going to festivals, or getting out of the city if we have the opportunity.

I go camping with my family at Lesser Slave Lake every summer. We park ourselves on the beach where we read, swim, paddle, and play games. My brother goes fishing and the little ones build sand castles. A fire gets lit after yet another glorious sunset, the guitar and mandolin come out . . . ah, I’m looking forward to it already!

As you’re out and about this summer in your garden, the playground, or shopping at a local business, it’s also the time to greet your neighbours, catch up with their summer plans, and wish them well. “Hello, how are you?’’ goes a long way!

Last month, Joanne shared her story of her block party and I suggested you too could host a party, however large or small. The City of Edmonton has a great how-to guide to organizing block parties. They list top 10 reasons to have a block party:

  • To have fun – no excuses or reasons are needed to celebrate.
  • To provide an opportunity to know your neighbours and where they live.
  • To establish friendships.
  • To increase that sense of belonging to a community.
  • To meet neighbours on your block that might be able to help you with a gardening problem, or lend you that needed ingredient for your recipe.
  • To encourage neighbours to look after the neighbourhood.
  • To help with safety/crime prevention by knowing who lives where and who does not.
  • To learn a little about each other and know who might need a little extra help from time to time.
  • To increase security by knowing each other’s schedules.
  • To develop an opportunity to meet some of the old time neighbours and learn about your community history.

Closing off the street or back alley requires a permit from the City. Although the permit is free, it does require signatures from your neighbours to show support for the event, whether or not they plan to attend. It’s a good excuse to meet your neighbours and I can help if you are interested! Two weeks’ notice is what the City needs so they can bring the road barriers.

You can use the community league’s Block Party Kit and apply for a Revitalization Small Sparks grants of $250. If this sounds too complicated, start small – host a pop-up party in your back yard for a few neighbours. Another way to meet neighbours is to attend an event organized by others! The McCauley Garden Crawls, the Intercultural Gatherings or the Family Activities being held on Sundays at the Edmonton Intercultural Centre, the Hallelujah Garage Sale on July 7 – lots of events in the ‘hood. To find out more, email me at Have fun this summer!

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