Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Summer Fun

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” – Henry James (American author, 1843-1916)

Well according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, our prairie summer will be typical with heat, showers, and of course thundershowers. But after an Alberta winter, to me this weather is welcome because outdoor fun begins!

Five outdoor swimming pools operated by the City of Edmonton have free admission this summer: Mill Creek, Fred Broadstock, Oliver, Queen Elizabeth and Borden Park. Mill Creek and Fred Broadstack open late May, the other three in early June. Information, including addresses and hours, are located at Or, you can simply call 311 and they will be happy to answer any questions.

Borden Park’s natural swimming pool, just northeast of McCauley, is the first chemical-free public outdoor pool in Canada. It recently received the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s Innovation in Architecture award.

And there are many things to do in our beautiful community. Enjoy a stroll in your neighbourhood. Stop for a cool beverage, or, my favourite, a nice scoop of gelato from Spinelli’s!

Summer makes me happy! Even a summer rain! Enjoy, stay safe and hydrated, and make it a great season!

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