Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Take Public Transit

What could be greener than reducing your carbon footprint? Public transit is a great way to do that. In Edmonton we are fortunate to have all low floor buses on every route and LRT since 2010. Gone are the days of buses with stairs to board, making ETS one of the leaders in accessibility in Canada.

While Edmonton offers a door-to-door service for those with extreme mobility needs through the Disabled Adult Transit System (DATS), there are those who just may require a bit of knowledge and training to ride regular routes. This is offered through the ETS Mobility Choices Program. It is a free program customized to your personal needs for seniors and those with mobility aids like walkers or scooters. It is offered to individuals, organizations, and agencies that support those with mobility challenges. The program is made up of trip planning techniques on an individual or group basis.

Each ETS bus has preferred seating near the entrance of the vehicles that fold up and can be accommodated with wheelchairs. Mobility Choices even can provide visible placards for passengers to alert the approaching driver of what route you are seeking and whether you need “R” (ramp) or “K” (kneeling position that lowers the bus)

I personally have taken the program and am a huge supporter of the mobility challenged community accessing it. With more individuals choosing to live at home or in an assisted living program the need is welcome.

To find more information on this program call the friendly supportive staff at the travel training line: (780) 496-3000. You can discuss your individual or group needs with this amazing staff and literally “get on board.”

If you are on a subsidized income through the Government of Alberta’s AISH program, you qualify for a subsidized bus pass to make it more affordable. Contact (780) 496-8321 to discuss your eligibility. Once you are on the program your pass is mailed to you – no lining up at the kiosks at crunch time.

Reducing your carbon footprint, helping the environment, and saving money! You’ll be happier and so will Mother Nature!

Ian is a resident of Boyle Street, a member of the Advisory Board for Services for Persons with Disabilities for the City of Edmonton, and the recipient of the Glenrose Award of Courage.

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