Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Thanks, Events, Connect

Hello McCauley.

Here’s the latest news from your community league. First off, we’d like to give a huge thank-you to everyone who came out and helped out at our second annual Fall Fiesta. On September 19, around 250 neighbours came out for some fun on the perfect fall day. We played different games; the kids enjoyed the bouncy slide; and the craft table featured some power-tool action, which was a real hit (and no injuries)! Our food crew rolled out non-stop hot dogs, bannock, and international treats for four hours straight! Thanks to Evelina Developments for sponsoring the food. The Intercultural Centre also came out and brought an Ethiopian coffee circle and Brazilian Zouk dancing. We also had a few volunteers from Hope Mission join us in serving the food and in helping with park clean-up afterwards.

It truly was a wonderful event. As we rubbed shoulders with each other, we witnessed the incredible diversity of our neighbourhood. We heard each other’s stories, tasted the food from other cultures, and enjoyed the simple pleasure of being together on a peaceful afternoon.

At the end of September, the core neighbourhoods had the opportunity to consult with the raft of responders that work with issues surrounding problem properties. This conversation came out of City Council in response to continuing concerns expressed at the meeting on the housing moratorium in September. The goal of the current push is to better coordinate responses of the different responders and to find better strategies in dealing with problem properties. A report will be forthcoming, and MCL will be making it available on our website along with the contact information and resources handed out at the meeting.

The League has a Community Conversation coming up in early December, so please tune in for details on that as the day comes closer.

If you’d like to connect with the League to volunteer or share your perspective on something, here’s how you contact us. Our website is Or, you can email us at We also have a pretty active Facebook page, so look us up on there if you haven’t already. If you’d prefer a more personal engagement, you can also stop by and visit us at our board meetings. We meet the first Tuesday of every month from 7-10 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club.

Mike Van Boom is the President of the McCauley Community League.

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