Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


“The doors of wisdom are never shut.”

When I reflect on the above quote from Benjamin Franklin, I think of another wise teacher. Not a professor, nor a presenter at a lecture, but one of the wisest men I had the opportunity to meet who was a pillar of this community and city.

I am speaking of the man, the legend, the great Paul Joseph Lorieau who was the iconic voice of the national anthem at Edmonton Oilers hockey games for 30 years as well as the 2012 Special Olympics, and also at the Alberta Legislature at the beginning of provincial sessions. To me and many members of the community of the Artspace Co-op he was a pillar of strength, wise words, comfort, and a grin that lit up a room even on a dismal day.

Many of our residents are mobility challenged and utilize DATS. At times, the waiting periods can be long and uneventful. Paul, with his jovial smile and warming presence would greet all the waiting members with his ear to ear grin and automatically change the mood to an upbeat one. Some members were off to medical appointments, therapy, etc., but I can guarantee they left with a huge smile on their face as Paul always saw the bright side of everything. He would embrace my neighbour Meghan, give her a daily peck on the cheek, tell her she was beautiful, and wish her a good day, Everyone looked forward to Paul’s daily affirmation and reassurance it was going to be a “great day.”

Sadly, after battling his own illness, Paul left us on July 2. I have a feeling he just had to hold on for one more Canada Day, as no one in our community hears the anthem without thinking of Paul.

He taught me to be happy and strong – the best lesson ever. I would hand deliver the latest Boyle McCauley News to his door and with his huge grin he would say, “I read your column first.” The biggest piece of wisdom Paul taught me, and my friend Meghan will attest to this, is that angels are among us. They may be in your life briefly, but stay in your heart forever.

I know Paul is somewhere giving us all a big grin, wishing everyone a good day, and belting out “O Canada” in his rich voice.

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