Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


The Greatest Gifts of All

Christmas is the time for giving and receiving. We follow family traditions from many cultures. My family has grown with the addition of nephews, nieces, and in-laws. We can be scattered, but we all manage to celebrate the holiday even if it is not on the actual date. To all be together to celebrate is the greatest gift of all.

My mother, who is now retired, is very much about being charitable, always reminding us that her life is very rich. In lieu of a gift for her, she encourages us to give to those organizations that help the less fortunate. My mother is a permanent fixture every Tuesday morning serving breakfast at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church (9606 – 110 Avenue).

My mother’s faith and morals are very important to her and she has passed them on to all of her children and grandchildren. My eldest sister always is a volunteer delivery person for Santa’s Anonymous (providing gifts to needy children) and participates in the Run for the Cure (to raise funds for the Canadian Breast Cancer Association) every year. She does all this while being a mother of six, running her own business, teaching part time, and supporting her son’s hockey team (she is a fixture at every game). To me, she is a human dynamo!

My mother usually picks a charity every year for us to donate to. Some of her past suggestions have been purchasing toiletries and clothing for the women’s shelter and making donations to an organization that is helping people in Third World countries who do not have the daily essentials we have. My sister even bought chickens and farm animals for those suffering from famine!

You could say my mother’s influence is the best gift that keeps on giving as it has passed down through the generations. My amazing young nephew has shaved his head to support cancer research. Two more of my nephews and my mother assisted me when I prepared a three course dinner titled “Appetite for Awareness-The Real Brain Food” to be served to delegates involved in brain injury support – a cause especially important to me. My middle sister has donated her time supporting various events as well, even though she works full time.

I have often been reminded that “the more you give, the more you receive” – not in a monetary way, but by the example you can set. I am always up for volunteering for whatever is suitable to me and the lifelong connections and friendships I have built are the best gifts I have received. They rarely break and do not have a return date.

So, at this time of year remember – giving, donating, and volunteering are the most rewarding gifts of all.

Ian is a resident of Boyle Street, a member of the Advisory Board for Services for Persons with Disabilities for the City of Edmonton, and the recipient of the Glenrose Award of Courage.

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