Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


The Heart of the Matter

What does home mean to you? To some, it’s a place to hang your hat. Others believe it’s where the heart resides. Whatever you may believe chances are that you place significance on the place you call home.

When we talk about housing in our area of the city, it’s a much different conversation than what would be heard elsewhere. Our community deals with issues that don’t hold a great deal of prevalence in other parts of the city. We have a large population of homeless people and many folks in subsidized housing. Our area has a high concentration of social services and this has drawn the disadvantaged here to search for assistance. This presents challenges to our neighbourhood.

Housing issues have caused a lot of conflict in our community. Low-income housing has been linked with higher crime rates, and no one seeks to be a victim of crime. There is a lot of fear surrounding our population and it’s not necessarily unfounded. In this mindset there have been prejudices developed against people without housing.

I treasure my home. It is a safe, comfortable place where my cats play and my husband and I relax. We have very deliberately created an atmosphere of peace in our place. I value it so much that I can’t, in good conscience, deprive anyone else of something which I hold so dear. Yes, we have taken more than our fair share of non-market housing but if the choice is between more subsidized housing and someone going without a home, I would rather more subsidized housing.

I think we need to change our perspective on our housing issues. While it creates conflict it also holds great potential. A home – something as simple as a home – holds the promise of transforming lives. It can provide an opportunity to grow, change, and heal. It can help families move out of poverty. It can give a woman fleeing abuse the chance for strength and independence. It can provide a safe place to grow and play for a child. Throw a little community support on top of that and wonders can occur.

I’m not saying that wonders will prevail in every situation, but they certainly have the promise of it. Isn’t promise enough to dream? Everyone deserves a place to hang their hat and place their heart. They will only be better for it.

Keri lives in Boyle Street.

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