Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


The Possibilities of Summer

The pleasures of summer have arrived! How wonderful to wake up to birds chirping along with rays of sunlight peaking through the window curtains as it hits the side of your cheek with warmth and happiness.

Summer is an energizer which brings smiles to all our faces and fills the air with sweet fragrances of plants and flowers that tickle our noses. I recommend that you walk around the neighbourhood on a sunny day and see the beautiful sights our community displays. It is heart-warming to see neighbours take pride in their gardens and yards as I stroll down the street. Vibrant flowers and plant arrangements are placed accordingly to receive the attention it deserves. What a breath of fresh air to see others helping one another to revitalize our community and appreciate life’s simple pleasures. As I make a turn onto the next street, giggles fill the air as I walk towards the park. Families are gathered together to play games, engage in meaningful conversations and enjoy their surroundings.

Edmonton is the city of champions when it comes to summer festivities. These events create a cohesive society by providing the opportunity to learn more about our communities and each other. The Taste of Edmonton, Heritage Days, The Fringe, East meets West, and the International Street Performers Festival are just a few events that I take part in and truly enjoy! This is a time for local owners to showcase their businesses and share their talents with Edmontonians.

Food is also an important part of summer because there are endless possibilities for creating flavourful and satisfying dishes using local fresh ingredients. Fruits that are eaten during the summer seem to be sweeter, juicier and the colours are amazing! When I think of summer, watermelon and peaches come to mind. The juiciness of the first bite says it all! Edmonton offers local fresh ingredients at the farmers’ market. There are many markets that surround the city and are open on different days of the week. If you enjoy freshness and like to try new things the market has a lot to discover.

At Pacific Cafe we take advantage of summer ingredients and use fresh fruits to turn them into thirst quenching shakes! Watermelon and mango are two of my favourites! We also grow our own arrangement of baby greens on our rooftop for our salads.

Continue to support local owners, farmers and markets in order for them to provide you with the best grown ingredients around. Summer is a great time; however, it is limited in Edmonton so make sure you get yours while supplies last!

Food is also an important part of summer because there are endless possibilities for creating flavourful and satisfying dishes using local fresh ingredients.

Here is a recipe for Summer Salad Rolls.

Summer Salad Rolls
12 cooked shrimps or cooked side pork, or chicken
2 oz cooked rice vermicelli
6 sheets rice paper wrappers
bean sprouts or 6 slices of cucumber
6 sprigs mint
3 lettuce leaves
a large bowl of water to dip rice paper sheets

Dip the rice paper sheet in water, making sure all sides are wet. Lean the sheet to the edge of the bowl to get rid of excess water. Place on a clean work surface. Place lettuce, mint leaves, some rice noodles, and a cucumber slice in the front third of the rice paper sheet. Fold the two side ends in and roll forward to other end of the rice paper.

Serve immediately with Vietnamese dipping sauce (recipe below). To store, put rolls on a plate, top the rolls with lettuce leaves and wrap with plastic wrap and refrigerate up to 4 hours.

Chili Dipping Sauce
4 tablespoons fish sauce
4 tablespoons warm water
2 tablespoons lime juice
2 tablespoons sugar
1 garlic clove peeled and crushed
Red pepper flakes or chopped fresh chili to taste

Whisk everything together until the sugar dissolves, and serve with the summer salad rolls.

Originally from Vietnam, Nhan lives in McCauley. She owns Pacific Cafe and is involved with Revitalization and the Multicultural Health Brokers. Robbin is her daughter and she also works at the restaurant.

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