Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Angel Way Named

Artist Gloria Neapetung below the sign she created for Angel Way. Kate Quinn

Okisikow (Angel) Way was unveiled on June 14. Located on 101A Avenue between 97 and 96 Street, Angel Way was named in honour of all women who have experienced violence, making Edmonton the fifth city in Canada to have such a street.

According to Kate Quinn, who attended the unveiling of the street name on behalf of the Centre to End all Sexual Exploitation (CEASE, formerly PAAFE), over 60 people attended. They gathered inside the Salvation Army due to the rain, which Aboriginal businesswoman Karen MacKenzie said was a cleansing of the sorrows of the loss of women to violence and murder, and that the sun would come out to remind of us a new day.

Thim Choy represented the Boyle Street Community League and greeted everyone with “Tansi” (hello in Cree). He talked of how the Community League had suggested this avenue, especially because the Women’s Emergency Accommodation Centre is there. The sign was designed by artist Gloria Neapetung.

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