Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Therapeutic Recreation

“If bread is the necessity of life, recreation is a close second.” – Edward Bellamy (American author, 1850-1898)

Recreation can be both fun and healthy for the mind and body. Through my journey, I had many forms of therapy: speech, occupational, physical and even recreational. The objective of my therapies was to become as independent as possible.

After any setback, the limits of what you were capable of doing previously can change. However, recreational therapy reintroduced me to things I enjoyed before: dining out, shopping for myself, travelling, visiting with friends and family, enjoying concerts, going to movies, and such.

So, recreation can not only be fun, but therapeutic.

I consider myself a social person, so I enjoy being around people without limitations. I consider myself a “foodie,” so I love dining out. I’m an avid reader, so I enjoy libraries. And, I am a thrift store “fashionista,” so I love scouring shops for new finds.

My favourite recreation that I find healthy and exhilarating is walking my best friend: my pup Maggie! The abundance of off-leash parks is great and a favourite is Dawson Park. It runs between 84 Street and 92 Street on the north bank of the North Saskatchewan River, extending north to Jasper Avenue. Conversing with other dog walkers, enjoying beautiful scenery, and Maggie meeting new four-legged friends with the stunning views of the river valley are the best parts.

Exercise, socializing, fresh air, and nature are all parts of my favourite form of recreation!

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