Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • October-November 2024 • Circulation 5000


Thinking About David

When I learned about the sudden passing of David Littlefeather in December, like many I was shocked and deeply saddened. David was one of the first people I met when I started working in the area. He always greeted me with a smile, and his commitment to volunteerism in the community was inspirational.

In preparation for his memorial service, I was asked to go through Boyle McCauley News’ archive and collect clippings pertaining to David. I ended up going down the proverbial rabbit hole while scrolling back through the years. I found quite a number of mentions of David in our pages, including several articles and photos from community events and news which predated my involvement with the paper.

David wasn’t a famous person (except maybe in his immediate community of McCauley Apartments, and even to an extent within the greater McCauley neighbourhood). He wasn’t rich. He wasn’t powerful in any traditional sense. He was not someone who would typically be featured in the media.

Boyle McCauley News has a long history of featuring the words, opinions, and achievements of regular folks trying to make a difference in the area. Over the years we have published stories about many volunteers with the paper and other community organizations, to spotlight the incredible things they do for the community.

David was one such person who made an impact in the community. I am so proud that Boyle McCauley News was able to bring attention to his contributions. His memory will live on in the paper’s pages, and in the hearts of all who knew him.

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