Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Trying to Be Better

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” – Albert Einstein

We’ve all been learning to think outside the box. The last little while has had many of us on “reset.” I didn’t want to write about the pandemic because we’re all worn out – at least, many of us are. However, I felt a pressing need to share a lesson I am learning because of this time.

It was self-entitled thinking that got us into this mess. Yesterday, the way we used to live, is a thing of the past. Tomorrow will be different as we’ve had to reimagine our lifestyles. We’ve had more time to think than we normally do in our busy lives. If we don’t make every effort to improve how we live for the rest of our days, then the death toll will be for naught.

Yesterday, I failed as a human. An Instacart order came and several items were missing from the order. I got billed for things I didn’t receive. Now I’m ashamed of myself. That delivery person went to a grocery store, had to be around numerous people, and drove to my home – but I had a hissy fit because I failed to think about the extreme privilege I have to be able to type an order into my iPad and get the things I needed delivered to my door. Maybe the person who did my shopping was stressed at being out in public so much. Maybe she was tired from working two jobs. I feel sorry that I didn’t appreciate what this person did for me, however imperfect it was.

It’s sad that I was reminded of my need to be kinder and more tolerant of imperfection at the expense of someone who provided this much-needed service. The fact that I’m in a position to even use this service should humble me. I failed to think before I complained about a minor issue. It might be a cliché, but I’m going to remember to think next time before I speak up: Is it True? Is it Helpful? is it Inspiring? is it Necessary? Is it Kind?

Manon is a resident of Boyle Street and an active volunteer in the community. This column contains her own opinions, and is not affiliated with the Boyle Street Community League.

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