Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Upgrades at the Rink

Where did summer go? I can’t believe that we are gearing up and starting to plan for our winter programming.

The summer brought a complete new set of hockey boards with player boxes and a penalty box. This was possible because of the generous donation from the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation and Hockey Canada. Our community would also like to thank Canadian Arena Products who donated all the labour for free. I can’t forget about E4C who is looking after all the financial aspects of this project, free of charge to our community. Once again, without these kinds of partnerships we would not be able to do projects like this, so thank you to everyone for making this a place for our community to be proud of.

There are a few things that need to be done that we hadn’t planned for, nor were able to foresee. The first is that the fencing needs to be adjusted around both ends of the rink. There are some gaps that occurred due to the new boards. The second is that there are gaps around the bottom of the boards where the asphalt meet the boards. Both problems are being looked at, and we expect that it will be fixed in time for our winter skating season.

The last project that needs to be completed is the cement pad that was planned for the green shack leading to the rink, and that will be completed in the next month. Once again, I would like to thank E4C for partnering with the McCauley Community League and looking after all the financial aspects for our community.

I hope everyone enjoys the fall season, and I look forward to having updated winter programing for the October issue. If anyone has suggestions for winter programming that they would like to see for the 2015/16 skating season, please forward to the McCauley Community League email at

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