Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Volunteers Are Priceless

“The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers.” Terri Guillemets (American Writer)

On September 26, 2018, Boyle McCauley News held our semiannual volunteer appreciation party to thank and recognize our volunteers who keep our paper running.

This event makes me very happy and proud.

Those in attendance included block carriers, our distribution driver (who picks up the paper from the printer and delivers it to the carriers), columnists, and members of our board of directors.

Volunteers are a huge part of this well oiled machine. The appreciation of them and their dedicated work is very valuable.

Canada has its fair share of volunteers and according to Statistics Canada, over 55% of Albertans do volunteer work! Now those are bragging rights!

These volunteers come from all ages and walks of life. There is no prerequisite, other than having a bit of time!

Volunteers are priceless! The late actress Audrey Hepburn was a volunteer nurse during World War II in a Dutch hospital, but that’s not where her work stopped. In 1954, she began contributing to UNICEF, an organization that defends worldwide children’s rights, by donating all the salaries she earned from her final movies.

Those who give their time have a huge impact and it is something to be very proud of, and of, course appreciated!

To all of you out there who engage in any aspect of volunteering, THANK YOU!!

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