Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Volunteers: We Salute You

Many of the volunteers for Boyle McCauley News have been with us since the beginning of the paper. But most have had changes in their lives and, as a result, had to drop a route (in the case of block carriers), or they move out of Edmonton, or their health presents challenges that preclude their serving any longer.

However, with the sort of communities we have in Boyle Street and McCauley we have always been able to fill the void. I would like to suggest that Paula and I do such a good job of volunteer coordinating that we hardly ever have a route that isn’t covered, nor an article that needs to be written.

The truth is, all we need to do is let people know that we need a carrier, or a writer, or a photographer, or a board member, and the community steps forward. We have some new volunteers on the paper that we will be introducing later this year.

In the meantime, please salute all volunteers that you know. And, celebrate National Volunteer Week this month (April 12 – 18).

Thank you to all of our dedicated, hard working volunteers!

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