Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Walking and Public Transit

“Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.” – Erol Ozan (author)

My main forms of transportation are public transit and walking within the city. You see and experience so much! For long distance travel I usually fly but will have to admit I love the train!

I came to Alberta from Ontario by train with my family. It was fascinating to see our country. I was fortunate enough to do it again in my adult years going from Vancouver to Montreal and back.

While in Europe, I travelled by train and by ferry. When in large or small cities I always use their public transit.

It is fascinating to see the residents of a city and how they utilize their public transit. In Portland, Oregon, they have a light rail transit called “The Max” it gets you everywhere!

In Montreal, the Metro is heavily utilized. London has the Tube and I’ve even ridden cable cars in San Francisco.

We take our public transit for granted at times. However, it can be a must for tourists and a way of life for locals.
I love how ETS has poetry posted in buses to help us enjoy the ride, as well as how buses move thousands of travelers daily to and from their destinations.

As many cities are becoming less car-dependent and alternatives to cars that are environmentally friendly are popping up worldwide, expect to see more innovations!

Walking or public transit is not really about getting from A to B – it is an experience unto itself!

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