Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


What Makes McCauley Home?

Many of us call McCauley home. What makes it home?

What brought you here? Some come as newcomers to Canada and to McCauley because it feels like back home. In Chinatown, you can read the signs, the menus at restaurants, and buy familiar groceries in Lucky 97. Historically, many newcomers came for that same reason – they felt at home because there was a significant mass of people who spoke their language. Many gathered in their places of worship, shopped, and helped each other feel at home.

Some of us now come because of the legacy of those who have come and gone before us – the diversity of cultures. Walkability, proximity to downtown, and affordability draws others.

Whatever brought us here, many of us have made it our home. Does it feel like home for you? Why or why not? For me, knowing and greeting my neighbours, chatting over the back fence while I’m gardening, or meeting neighbours in the grocery store or coffee shop are big reasons why I feel connected, why I feel at home.

Belonging, engagement, and connection are essential to human thriving and signs of a healthy community. McCauley Community League’s vision is that “McCauley is a welcoming neighbourhood where all people feel part of a vibrant, safe, and thriving community.”

To help make that a reality, our Abundant Community project is building on strengths already found in McCauley. The people – their contributions, passions, how they “keep an eye” out for others – are already doing this on a frequent basis. We have many other assets as well, such as businesses like grocery stores, coffee shops, flower shops, and much more.

One of the building blocks is getting to know your neighbours. Become a point person on your block, throw a back alley party, be a listener. And if some of your neighbours don’t speak English, we will have cultural connectors that can smooth the way.

We are also partnering with Our McCauley to foster intercultural interactions – learning from each other and sharing activities in monthly gatherings. We can do more than smile and wave at each other. Come join us there.

Our community can only feel more like home for all of us when we connect with each other. Email if you want more information or want to share a story with us of what you’ve already done to make that a reality.

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