Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


A Month of Meetings

Happy March Everyone! Another big bold step towards spring!

March will be a month of meetings, with two Community League meetings packed into a busy month.

On March 21 we will be having another exciting McCauley Community League AGM. Come out and meet or even join the board. It will be from 7-9 p.m. in the meeting rooms at the Commonwealth Rec Centre. Check our website or Facebook for updates and for a room number as the date approaches (or just show up – staff and signage will tell you where we are). Don’t be scared. We don’t bite and we’ll only marginally attempt to volunteer you for something.

Our other General Meeting for the month will be on March 7 (also at Commonwealth from 7-9 p.m.) to discuss what you would like to see as the future of our Community League designated land such as a proposed rink building development. This meeting will be “open house” style so drop in when you can. Apparently, a plan exists by a largely external organization to build a building on the site and manage the building and the rink. Up to this point in time they have not shared this plan or management strategy or programming strategy or any real information with your Community League. As this is our land and rink (City owned but designated exclusively to the Community League in perpetuity) we obviously have some concerns over the apparent lack of “partner” in this proposed partnership. Is it a good plan? Is it a bad idea? Is it a great idea? Should we do something bigger and different with this site? Is it practical and achievable? Is it external do-gooderism or a great neighbourhood building idea? Honestly, I have no idea at this point because they have not shared any real information with us. So, we’ll hold a drop in public meeting to tell you everything we know and see what you think.

Another exciting opportunity to meet your neighbours is Soccer Registration Day 2 on March 6, 6-8 p.m. at the Boys & Girls Club on 95 Street & 109A Avenue. Online registration is also available this year – check out for more info!

Our bi-annual casino approaches on April 19 and 20. All our shifts are filled but we could still use a few more volunteers and back-ups. If you’ve never volunteered for a casino, don’t be intimidated – they are actually kind of fun and very social.

Soccer volunteers are still needed! We need coaches, drivers, organizers, and anything in between. If you value soccer programs in the area remember it can’t happen unless people like you give a little of your time to make it happen. And if you’re not part of McCauley proper don’t worry as our soccer program serves the greater downtown area.

Our bi-annual casino approaches on April 19 and 20. All our shifts are filled but we could still use a few more volunteers and back-ups. If you’ve never volunteered for a casino, don’t be intimidated – they are actually kind of fun and very social.

Our kids dance program continues to grow and thrive and jive. It’s actually outgrowing its current location and we are looking for a new spot to expand. Bring your little ones out to enjoy the groovy fun. Check our website at for more information and updates.

And don’t forget our free guitar lessons by McCauley’s own guitar virtuoso Steven Johnson every Monday at 8 p.m. at the McCauley Boys & Girls Club.

For those of you who have been missing the Community Swim for the last month, you can look forward to its return on March 9. Get free access with your McCauley Community League Membership Saturdays from 5-7 p.m. (pool, gym, and weight room) to the Commonwealth Community Rec Centre.

Do you have a program or project you would like to see or get involved in? Let us know! Help your neighbours make your neighbourhood a greater place to live, work, and play. Join the League board or volunteer. Visit us at or on Facebook at McCauley Community League. Contact us at or (780) 428-5332. We would love to meet you!

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