Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


An Explained Life

I don’t live a life peppered with great fortune or horrible misfortune. I just try to go along my way with as little disruption as possible. I extend general courtesies to my fellow human beings as they, for the most part, do to me. I can’t say I go about spreading joy and merriment wherever I go. In terms of karma, most of my effort is focused on not creating a big, billowing, black cloud that spews poison on anyone nearby.

Lady Luck and I don’t really talk much anymore. It’s not that we dislike each other; it’s just that we drifted apart as we realized that we don’t have much in common. The weekly phone calls became monthly and then more on the holidays and birthdays. We kind of forgot about each other in the midst of our daily lives. I stopped expecting her to drop by unannounced and bring spectacular news in her wake. She really didn’t do that all that often anyway. I have to admit I didn’t give her much incentive. I didn’t bake any cookies or buy any scratch tickets.

Chance and I have been at odds lately. We seem to have some opposing values. He likes to pop up at peculiar times, usually when I have something else planned. He gets a little sulky when I tell him I have other things to do. The truth is that he’s a little annoying. He likes to give me a knock about the head every so often even after I tell him to stop. We haven’t been talking much.

However, The Fates and I have been in regular contact. I hear from them every single time my little black cloud gets away from me and zaps some unsuspecting bystander. The Fates come in and mess me up one way or another if I behave badly. It’s like getting a call from your mom after you’ve had a fight with your sister. It’s not that you should treat your sister well because she’s a wonderful person completely lacking in faults. It’s because she’s your sister and you’re stuck with her for the rest of your life, like it or not. Every so often I get a little reminder to be more tolerant of humanity because they sure aren’t going anywhere.

The Fates have also seen to it that the people in my life are resilient. With me, it’s not so much about good vibrations and fuzzy feelings as it is about blunt honesty. Most times the truth can be pretty ugly. If one is regularly in my vicinity they have to be able to take the hard blows and still be standing. The Fates have made it so no unsuspecting innocent is inflicted with my friendship.

My life just goes on as it is with whatever influences from external sources. I try not to make too much of a mess of things given that the main influence in my life is myself. The Powers That Be understand that with me it’s not so much about good vibrations as it is with keeping me in check.

Keri lives in Boyle Street. We think her columns spread a good vibe around the area and think The Powers That Be should be happy.

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