Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Goodbye Garbage!

McCauley Cleans Out the Clutter

Volunteers loading up a big bin. Wesley May

I have to admit, collecting all of the neighbourhood’s garbage on a hot summer day does not exactly evoke images of fun, but I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun was actually had at this year’s McCauley Community Clean Up on Saturday June 11. Thanks to the super hard work of McCauley Apartment residents and a group of steadfast volunteers, we were able to collect and send to the Clover Bar dump 10 giant dumpsters filled with old furniture, yard waste, and assorted other refuse.

With over 50 household pick-ups, our team of drivers zigzagged through McCauley’s alleys picking up large loads, while a virtually endless parade of vehicles drove through our central dump site to offload all sorts of garbage and reusable items. In what seemed like a dirty game of Tetris, volunteers helped unload trash and fit it as snugly as possible into the big yellow dumpsters that lined the parking lot behind McCauley Apartments.

At this time I’d like to thank all the amazing McCauley Community Clean Up volunteers, over 60 who helped drive, lift, sweep, stack, and unload several tonnes of garbage! I’d also like to thank the McCauley Community League for covering the majority of clean up expenses, E4C for drivers and organizational support, Edmonton Host Lions Club and Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples for providing an excellent BBQ lunch, the City of Edmonton which provided many supplies and beverages, 310-DUMP for donating a bin rental, and Rexall Myros for their donation of water and sunscreen!

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