Another Beautiful Heart of the City Festival

Thanks to everyone who made the twelfth Heart of the City Music and Arts Festival an incredible success! This includes whoever is in charge of the weather, which could not have been any better.
Now, it’s hard to name you all without running out of ink, but Rosalie Gelderman, Mary Rankin, Mike Tulley, Radar, and the whole crew at Listen Louder – you’re the best. Mike, Morris, Marie, Ross, and all the great Folk Fest crew and volunteers, we couldn’t do the festival without you. As for Ms. Roberts’ student volunteers from Louis St. Laurent, you are all the coolest kids around.
And of course, the Edmonton Arts Council, Karen Kennedy at the City of Edmonton, the whole team at Boyle McCauley News, all the great neighbours surrounding Giovanni Caboto Park, and the amazing artists, musicians, vendors, and volunteers who made the festival happen . . .
Thanks for putting your heart into it!
Rylan is a Heart of the City board member.