McCauley: Soccer, Soccer, Soccer!

This was the year for soccer in McCauley. From our own Community League Soccer, to Free Footie sponsored by FC Edmonton, to the FIFA Women’s World Cup at Commonwealth, there was much going on – not to mention all the unscheduled soccer that happened on a daily basis.
Community League Soccer will be mostly wrapped up by the time you read this. Many of the U6 and U8 teams played at Sacred Heart Park, and received some great feedback from neighbours, who were pleased to see that little park busy with kids playing soccer. The U4s, coached by Evelina Mannarino, was the only team in Giovanni Caboto Park this year, due to the FIFA games. The U4s started as a small group, but seemed to grow week by week as parents frequenting the playground inquired and signed up. The older groups played all of their games away, and at this time our U14 McCauley Dragons were still undefeated. You can follow their progress on the EMSA main website (
Free Footie Soccer, which is run through the local schools, is another large soccer program that happened in our park. You may have noticed the extra activity on Wednesdays, with up to 10 teams playing small games in Giovanni Caboto Park. Thanks so much to the teachers, who help run this program, taking time after school to help coach and organize the teams and bring snacks after the games. A huge thanks to FC Edmonton and organizer Tim Adams, for all their work, setting up fields, lining, and bringing in players to help referee, as well as having supplied all the kids with jerseys, socks, shorts, and equipment. It is greatly appreciated! Free Footie has been running for several years, and as a community soccer director, I have seen kids from the elementary level, want to continue on, and join community teams as a result.
I must say, the FIFA Women’s World Cup, has added a “soccer buzz” in the area. I still see daily, small groups of kids and adults playing informal games in the park. Not only was it exciting to catch one of the games at Commonwealth, but it inspired us all to get out there and have a little soccer fun. The McCauley Community League, along with the Italian Youth Society and local businesses like Zocalo and The Italian Centre, got together on June 27 and threw a party, “Kick it Up,” celebrating all things soccer, from food to fun. Thanks to all the organizers and volunteers who made it happen, and also to the local businesses, along with the McCauley Revitalization, the MCL, and Italian Youth Society for funding the event.