Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


April Action

April promises to be another action packed month. Our bi-annual casino is April 19 and 20 and we could still use a few more volunteers (if even for back-ups). Almost all of our programming is via casino funding so if you participate in soccer, use our rink, practice guitar with Steve, dance, or anything else please consider volunteering for a few hours. Casino volunteering is fun, social, and low pressure. Email, call, or message us on Facebook for more information.

We held our Annual General Meeting in late March and I’m sure there are changes and new board members to share but that will be for next month’s article. For those not in the know, the deadline for Boyle McCauley News is the 12th of the previous month. More current information and updates can be found at our webpage ( or on Facebook at McCauley Community League.

Summer programming is getting organized in April. The Green Shack Program will be returning to Caboto Park. The STEP grant program traditionally used by Community Leagues to fund Green Shacks was cut in the Provincial budget but we remain committed to finding money to pay for this important collaboration with the City. Our annual soccer program is swinging into action but we can always use more volunteers and support. New for this year will be our first ever Annual McCauley Family Fair occurring on the Labour Day long weekend. We’ll be looking for volunteers, participants, and ideas to make this event awesome.

Block to Block will be busily knocking on doors and meeting neighbours again as the weather warms up. Look for more Block based communication, training, and consultation strategies and several Block to Block neighbour events throughout the summer.

From a Planning and Zoning viewpoint, the proposed Performing Arts Center in Chinatown is extremely exciting. At the time of writing we know very few details and have had no contact with the proponents. Though the project is potentially wonderful we should all be concerned, once again, that no conversation with the neighbourhood’s League has occurred. Win-wins can easily be created but the conversations need to start early.

Look for more Block based communication, training, and consultation strategies and several Block to Block neighbour events throughout the summer.

Also potentially exciting was the Revitalization associated Urban Plan that was presented at the end of February. I encourage everyone to view the presentation and give your comments. The presentation is linked from the online version of this article at the BMC News website. I was disappointed with what was presented and found it lacked innovation and forward thinking. In many ways, it seemed like planning for the present rather than the future. We’ll be linking the presentation and will likely have ongoing discussions on our Facebook page.

Of concern for many, a liquor store was approved on 95 street and 114 Avenue kitty corner to a park and playground. Within our Zoning Bylaw there are specific provisions preventing Liquor Sales within 100 metres of parks and schools and requiring new stores to be more than 500 metres apart. These rules were created as a result of years of work by central Edmonton Community Leagues and have been previously used to stop many more liquor stores in the general area. Though opposed by the local Leagues, many neighbours, and even the City’s planning department, this liquor store was approved at a Subdivision and Developmental Appeal Board (SDAB) hearing on March 7. At the time of writing we do not have the written decision so have no explanation of the rationale (or that it is a final decision). You can check out the zoning bylaw provision concerning liquor sales at the City’s website via a link from the online version of this update at the BMC News website.

Help your neighbours make your neighbourhood a greater place to live, work, and play. Join the League and volunteer. Visit us at or on Facebook at McCauley Community League. Contact us at, or (780) 428-5332. We would love to meet you!

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