Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Caring for the Earth

I have to start with a question: who doesn’t care about the earth?

Seriously – we all live, breathe, work, raise families, and play on this planet. Environmental issues affect everyone. In fact, if I asked someone if that person cared about the environment, I have no doubt he or she would say yes. Yet words and actions can be two very different things. In Boyle Street and McCauley, caring for the earth is not just lip service. It is a way of life.

In the area consisting of Boyle Street and McCauley, you will find many people who choose to live here because of walkability. Most amenities are within walking distance. A significant number of people also ride bicycles and use public transportation. A car-free (or almost car-free) existence is not as possible in the suburbs. And, there is talk of new community gardens – it doesn’t get greener than that!

Here at Boyle McCauley News, we also make an effort to be green. Old issues of the paper are recycled. Although there is a certain amount of driving associated with the distribution of the papers, in the McCauley area residents receive their papers thanks to our volunteer block carriers who deliver with pedestrian power. Such a method encourages fitness, community, and volunteerism. (We deliver via Canada Post to Boyle Street due to the high concentration of apartment buildings in that area.)

Environmentalism is not just for tree-hugging, granola-crunching hippies (though some of us may resemble that remark). Caring for the earth starts with individual actions. Let’s make choices that are good for the community and good for the environment.

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