Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Certainly Uncertain

The one thing I’ve come to know for certain is that I’m not really sure of anything. Life is always willing to show me how, when, and where I’ve been wrong. So, I’ve stopped thinking in certitudes to save myself the hassle of having to go back and correct them. It seems that there are an infinite number of times that I can change a conviction and it will still be proven wrong down the road. I’ve just given up any and all claim to great wisdom.

In doing this I’ve come across a few observations.

The first thing you’ll notice about the human race is that they hate to be wrong. For some reason being wrong is shameful. Being wrong means you’re stupid or inadequate or somehow less than other people around you. I find that being wrong releases you from the responsibility of having all the right answers. When you know things, people expect you to know things. When you know those things, people expect you to know more things. It’s a never-ending cycle that increases in pressure until failure is imminent. If you know nothing, nothing is expected of you and if you give a wrong answer you likely won’t be asked many more questions. If you can let go of the urge to be right than you can be wrong and free of all those people who don’t know right from left.

Another thing I’ve perceived is that people who are looking for a reason to be happy already have a rationale to be unhappy all lined up. We barely have any reasonable justifications for behaving or feeling any particular way in any particular moment, so why do we need a reason to be happy? Just be happy, enjoy it, and let go of all the reasons you should feel any other way. It’s easy and it’s free.

A more recent insight has revealed that it’s the simple things that are most enjoyable in our lives. I have found that the small, silly things that most people would discount are what can make my day better. I watch the clouds every day. I like the big, billowy, white ones the best. I like singing along with a good tune. It’s these things that make me feel good throughout the day. While other people may jam-pack their calendars with important meetings and appointments, I’m ensuring that a good hearty laugh makes it on my task list for today. What else makes the day worthwhile?

I suppose the one certitude to which I’ll admit is that I am certain that I want to enjoy the time that I have with the people I know. I’ve figured out that little much. Everything else is up for debate.

Keri lives in Boyle Street – of that, we are certain.

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