Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Come Join Us!

The new year has arrived and we are ready to welcome our community into our new home. Programs began in mid-January (stay updated at our website: offering a variety of activities for all ages and interests. Of course, because we are so new, we are open to suggestions and ideas as to what our neighbours would like to see offered at the plaza. Get in touch to let us know what you would like to see!

The Boyle Street Community League also would like to welcome Tooba Reaz to our team as our Facility Coordinator at the Plaza. If you have any questions or interest in the facility for an upcoming event you are planning, contact her at

We have a Family Day event planned for Sunday, February 17 from 12-3 p.m. where you will have a chance to meet your neighbours, get active, and visit the plaza.

Community League Memberships are available at the Boyle Street Plaza now for only $5/year, which will give you access to member prices for programming and access to the Commonwealth Rec Centre swimming pool. Drop-in and registered classes are available. Contact us for more details.

Beginning in February, we will be hosting youth programs as well: Design Studio (February) and Fit to Live (March).

Of course, because we are so new, we are open to suggestions and ideas as to what our neighbours would like to see offered at the plaza. Get in touch to let us know what you would like to see!

The following classes are available now. at a cost of $10/member, $12/non-member:

Monday, 12-1 p.m.
Strength and Alignment
Description: A class with a great focus on body alignment and core strengthening

Tuesday, noon-1 p.m.
Stretch and Breath (Gentle yoga)
Description: This gentle yoga class is designed to open the body and calm the mind. In class we will practice seated, standing and supine postures to release stiff muscles and joints. Restorative postures and breathing exercises (pranayama) will also be incorporated to bring the mind and body to a place of calm and relaxation.

Tuesday, 5:30-6:45 p.m.
Strength and Balance (Hatha)
Description: A class allowing for time to settle in to each posture, we will bring awareness to the effort and ease of each pose.

Thursday, noon-1 p.m.
Slow and Steady
Class Description: A chance to soften into each pose as you release tension, gain strength, and find inner silence through being still and connecting to breath.

Thursday, 5:30 – 6:45 p.m.
Gentle Hatha
Description: This form of hatha yoga is perfect for those students wanting to start and/or develop their yoga practice. We will build upon a strong foundation of asanas (yoga postures), while focusing on proper alignment and body awareness. Other aspects of yoga will be introduced including pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, mudras (hand gestures), and pratyahara (quieting of the mind). Gentle Hatha is suitable for all levels including, but not limited to: beginners and those suffering from current and/or previous injuries. Intermediate and advanced students are always welcome. Modifications will be provided for all levels.

Saturday, 3-4 p.m.
Centering Hatha
Description: Find balance in this delicate yet active weekend practice. Through a well-rounded blend of both strength and restorative postures designed to melt away stress, you will leave this class feeling more grounded, focused, and inspired.

Mondays, 7:45-8:45 p.m.
Begins Monday, January 21, 2013
Tania (from Bedouin Beats)
Introduction to Bellydance
Description: In this introduction to Bellydance, you will learn to snake your arms, roll your belly, and shimmy your hips! This introductory class is a great way to get fit while learning a fun movement style and dancing to fabulous music. In each class, we will warm up, learn a few different Bellydance moves, learn a great dance combination, do some strengthening exercises (especially for those core muscles!), and end things with a nice, slow stretching session. This class is geared for beginners, so don’t be afraid to try it even if you’ve never taken a dance class before.

Melissa is the Program and Membership Administrator for the BSCL.

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