Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


“Movember” in McCauley

The children sporting their “moustaches.” Dahlia Holtet

McCauley Community After School Care kids were into the spirit of Movember last month. They searched to learn about the money being raised around the world for men’s health and were excited to learn that Canadians had raised the most money!

The children were inspired to make their own fake moustaches as a show of support. They learned about different styles of moustaches and built their own from craft materials and a little imagination. The children of McCauley Community ASC would like to congratulate anyone who participated in this year’s Movember campaign and wish them happy shaving in December.

McCauley Community After School Care Association is a non-profit after school care program located in Sacred Heart School at 9624 – 108 Avenue.

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