Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Dedicated to My Father

When I think of Remembrance Day, my father is the first person who comes to mind. This year he will be turning 63 years old on November 11, 2011. We always celebrate his birthday by going to a Chinese restaurant and we order all of my dad’s favourite foods.

My mother and father have climbed many mountains to gain all that they have to this day. Dad has worked at the same company for over 20 years with great dedication and commitment. I have definitely grown as an individual to appreciate the leaps and bounds my dad takes to maintain the best interests of our family.

My father’s unconditional love is demonstrated through many ways. When I think about our time together as a child he always wanted us to have the best! When Mom had cooking classes to teach, Dad would take me to the mall and we would sit and have a snack and talk about life. He made it easy to talk to him about almost everything through his understanding and open-mindedness. I was not spoiled with gifts and attention; however, when Dad did buy me things, he made sure it was of the best quality.

Now that I’m in my thirties we don’t have that time together because we have different interests and schedules. This is why family dinners and gatherings are so important. Food has always been an important part of our family life because it brings us all together. We all make time to sit down and remind each other how much we all love one another without actually saying it.

As a child, I always wanted to own a dog and now at the tender age of “thirty-something” my dad actually bought me one. Dad first said that he would not have any part in caring for the dog. However, that did not kick in at all. Every week he goes out and buys what he calls “snacks” or toys for the dog and offers to dog sit. We added two more dogs to the family because we didn’t want the one to be lonely when we all went to work. Dad spoils them all with love and attention and, most importantly, treats!

There needs to be a new word that describes the love that a father provides to his children and family. I look forward to the day when I have a family to let them know how great a grandfather they have and to learn how to appreciate him at an early age. I can already envision the smiles he will have as he holds them in his arms, and how much they will be spoiled with love and affection.

Dad, you are truly a man who stands on his own two feet and you have the strength to carry the world on your shoulders. Our family loves and appreciates you today and forever!

Robbin Lu works at Pacific Cafe (10874 97 Street) with her mother Nhan.

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