Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Fall Fiesta

Hello McCauley. Here’s what your community league has been up to in September.

This past month, the league passed a new process for starting new events or programs. If you have an idea for an event or program that will meet the goals of the community league (such as help neighbours get to know each other, or a recreation activity) we are ready to hear your ideas and if they are a good fit, we would like to support you as best as we are able. The league doesn’t have a lot of money in our budget, but we are earmarking some funds to help make community ideas come to life. So start dreaming, folks! You can download the form from our website.

Speaking of new events: if you haven’t heard yet, McCauley’s Fall Fiesta is a go! On Saturday, October 4, come join us as we celebrate the incredible diversity of our community. We have games and food from all over the world, and crafts and activities for everyone to do together. We’re also serving hot dogs and bannock, a bouncy slide, and a story circle where neighbours can share their family traditions. It’s going to be great fun! Come join us at Sacred Heart Park and the McCauley Skating Rink from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

The Labour Day BBQ in Caboto Park also took place this past month. This year, the league set up our bouncy castle, and one of our board members did an informal survey of 132 people to see where people were from, and the results were very interesting. The top four communities were as follows: Alberta Ave 4.5%, Downtown 7.6%, Abbotsfield 9.8%, and McCauley 49.2%.

Currently, this is the last year for the BBQ in our neighbourhood, but some people have wanted the league to reconsider that decision. Nothing has been decided on this, but the league is considering hosting such a conversation. We will be sure to let you know if and when that conversation is going to happen.

In zoning matters, MCL wrote a letter of support to an appeal against a new body rub parlour that had been approved for our neighbourhood. The appeal was heard on September 17, and your league was there to share its concerns. We’ll give you an update on how that went in the next issue. For the rest, our primary work continues to be growing a healthy and effective process that encourages discussion, even debate. It is slow and difficult, and even painful at times, but we are getting there.

As always, feel free to contact us with ideas, concerns, questions, or if you’re interested in helping out. Check out our fresh new website for resources and for upcoming events: Look us up on Facebook, or email us at: Or, you can stop by and visit us at our board meetings. We meet the first Tuesday of every month from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club.

Mike is the President of the McCauley Community League.

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