Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Going Above and Beyond

Some of our volunteers have risen to the occasion and contributed in extraordinary ways.

We value all of our volunteers here at Boyle McCauley News. In the past few months, there have been a number of them whose contributions have been incredible, and deserving of recognition.

Randy Loewen and his family delivered papers to three routes and Immigration Hall. The routes were not small ones, either. Randy and his family moved to Yellowknife over the summer, where he answered a ministerial calling. We hope they are reading this online so they know how much we appreciated them as volunteers and will miss them in our community.

Our newspaper box, which has been a fixture outside of the Italian Centre, was badly damaged a few months ago. Dan Glugosh took the box and fixed it, replacing the smashed plexiglass in its door. He replaced the box on the street, and went to Postmedia to pick up two more boxes for us and put them in our office to get them ready for their new locations. We greatly appreciate Dan’s time and physical strength! Also, thank you to Postmedia for your generous donation of the boxes.

Wesley May has volunteered with the paper in almost every capacity: as a contributor (both as writer and photographer), board member, and block carrier. He also took care of keeping our office clean for a number of years. Wesley recently had to step back from his involvement with the paper, due to health issues. Thank you, Wesley, for being there for us. Thanks also to Wesley’s cousin Ann-Marie Johnson, who has taken over Wesley’s paper routes and office cleaning duties. I find that volunteerism often runs in families!

Shauna Forsyth is someone who never ceases to amaze me. She volunteers with a number of community organizations and casinos, organizes events, and yet she still finds time to be our Secretary. I guess it’s true that if you want to get something done, ask a busy person!

Anne Fitzpatrick has been on our Board for nearly two years, and has been a tremendous help in our budget planning. Her number crunching has been of value during this time of economic uncertainty, and has helped us plan for the future. Numbers have never been my strong point, and I am always amazed at people who are good at them.

Speaking of numbers, the paper would not be what it is without the consistent bookkeeping of Rosalie Gelderman. She keeps us on track by making sure the bills (and the staff!) get paid, and is a great resource on the history of the paper, since she has been here since day one.

Of course, we also appreciate the rest of our volunteers who write, take pictures, proofread, deliver the paper, sit on the board, take part in our casino, and help us in a variety of other ways. Thank you all!

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