Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


John Gee: A Travelling Man

John Gee. Paula E. Kirman

Twenty one years ago when John Gee moved into the McCauley community he was articling at a large law firm in Edmonton. He moved here and changed the course of his life. John has contributed immeasurably to different organizations in and around the neighbourhoods of Boyle Street and McCauley, both as an employee and as a volunteer. John’s grandfather was a prime builder for St. Stephen’s Anglican Church on Church Street, so there is a family connection.

As soon as he moved into the Inn Roads Housing Cooperative John began volunteering for Boyle McCauley News and continues to this day. He has sat on the board and delivered the paper (a very large number of them!) for many years.

John completed high school at St. John’s School of Alberta, before heading to the University of Alberta for his B.Sc. Then, he went on to complete an MBA and LLB at the U of A. Once he decided to not pursue a career practicing law he opened up opportunities for non-profits to benefit from his knowledge base. Just this past year John was on campus again at the University of Toronto, Wycliffe College completing his Master of Theological Studies in Urban and International Development.

This summer John will travel to Tanzania and then Burundi to complete his practicum, staying at an agricultural college, working for the Anglican Dioceses, doing instruction and working for their development program.

McCauley’s loss is Africa’s gain, and we are proud of our volunteer of the month, John Gee. We look forward to welcoming him home in October and look forward to following his career path upon his return. Thanks John! Safe travels.

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